Services for Professionals

Professionals in agencies from a wide range of sectors and settings provide services to individuals with intellectual disability, mental illness and other complex needs. Often, agencies struggle to adapt their services to meet the demands of more challenging clients, and to work in collaboration with other agencies involved.

G.C.C. offers services that are customized to the unique needs of the agency, and are designed to help maximize treatment outcomes and operational efficiency.

Clinical Consultation

G.C.C. offers clinical consultation to agencies and professionals designing treatment plans for individuals with complex needs.

There are often multiple agencies and clinical professionals involved in an individual’s overall care. G.C.C. provides clinical insight and collaborative leadership in assessment and treatment planning.

Training and Team Development

G.C.C. offers training and team mentoring that is tailored to the specific learning needs of agency staff, and provided in forums that best meet their learning styles. Knowledge exchange is designed to maximize the application of new knowledge to service delivery.

Program Evaluation and Design

Agencies and professionals often seek to increase the capacity of their existing services to address complex needs, or to design and develop new services targeted to individuals with specific challenges.

Often, the effectiveness of one agency’s service depends on the involvement and effectiveness of others, and collaborative program design is required.

G.C.C. provides guidance in program evaluation and design, in order to support the development of services that maximize service efficiency, cross-agency collaboration and treatment outcomes.